Frequently Asked Questions

What is XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus®?

XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® is a naturally occurring essential oil containing the active ingredient d-limonene. XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® is 95% pure d-limonene! This 95% purity is achieved through a steam distillation process of the citrus rinds. Another benefit of this purity is that it keeps it a least toxic, reduced impact product with a caution signal word rating.

How does XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® work?

The most amazing and important property of XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® is that its ability to actually ‘wick’ through wood: Its natural capability of traveling through the porous cells in all directions, even defying gravity! Our product not only treats the area into which it is injected, but the surrounding areas of the treated board as well.

How is XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® applied?

Our certified technicians will drill 7/64” holes into “kick-outs” to intersect galleries within infested wood. Technicians will drill a “w” pattern at 3”-5” intervals to ensure coverage and penetration of XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus®.

How long does the Orange Oil smell last?

On average 2-5 days depending on the severity of the infestation.

How can a drill and treat method be effective if you do not apply XT-2000 Orange Oil Plus® to every piece of wood in my house?

Keep in mind termites are not like roaches they don't scatter all over the place they usually stick to one piece of board and keep working on it until its gone. If there is no evidence of an infestation, then there is no need to treat every board.

What are Termites?

Termites are insects that belong to the order Isoptera. They are known for their tendency to consume wood, and can cause significant damage to structures made of wood. They live in colonies and are often found in warm, humid environments. There are several different species of termites, each with their own characteristics and behaviors. Termites play an important role in their ecosystem by breaking down dead wood and returning nutrients to the soil.

What does a termite inspection entail?

A termite inspection is an examination of a property to assess the presence of termites and the extent of any damage they may have caused. The inspection is typically conducted by a trained professional, who will look for signs of termite activity both inside and outside the property.

During the inspection, the inspector will typically check for the following:

  • Evidence of termite activity, such as mud tubes, damaged wood, droppings or discarded wings
  • Conditions that may be conducive to termite infestations, such as wood-to-soil contact or high moisture levels
  • Any previous termite damage or treatment on the property
  • Any current termite infestations and the extent of the infestation

The inspector will also provide recommendations on how to prevent termite infestations and repair any damage that has already occurred. The inspection report will also include the detail of the findings and recommendations. A thorough inspection typically takes  an hour and a half to 2 hour to complete and it is usually done on the exterior and interior of the building, including the attic and crawl spaces.

What does a termite fumigation entail?

The following are some of the key steps involved in preparing a structure for termite fumigation:

  1. Identifying and locating the infestation: A professional inspector will assess the property and identify the areas of infestation and extent of the damage.
  2. Prepping the home: The homeowner or occupants will need to remove all food, plants, and pets from the home and seal them in airtight containers. They should also remove or cover all exposed food items, such as open packages of cereal or crackers, to prevent contamination.
  3. Sealing the structure: All doors, windows, vents, and other openings in the structure must be sealed to prevent the gas from escaping. This is typically done with a heavy-duty plastic sheeting and tape.
  4. Setting up the fumigation tent: A large tent made of heavy-duty plastic is placed over the structure to contain the fumigant. The tent should be sealed around the base of the structure to prevent the gas from escaping.
  5. Evacuating the structure: All people, pets, and plants must be removed from the structure before the fumigation process begins. The occupants should not return to the home until the fumigation process has been completed and the structure has been ventilated.
  6. Notifying the neighbors: The fumigation company should inform the neighbors about the fumigation process and when the tent will be set up, so they can prepare accordingly.
  7. Making sure the fumigation company is licensed: It is important to make sure the fumigation company is licensed and certified to handle the chemicals and follow safety protocols.

What is the warranty on a termite treatment?

Termite companies typically offer a variety of warranties to protect their customers from future termite infestations. The specific warranties offered can vary depending on the company and the treatment method used.

Some common types of warranties offered by termite companies include:

  1. Treatment warranties: These warranties cover the cost of any additional treatment needed if termites are found again within a certain period of time after the initial treatment. The length of time covered by the warranty can vary, with some companies offering warranties for up to 5 years.
  2. Re treatment warranties: These warranties cover the cost of re-treatment if termites are found again within a certain period of time after the initial treatment. The length of time covered by the warranty can vary, with some companies offering warranties for up to 5 years.
  3. Renewal warranties: These warranties allow customers to renew their warranty after the initial coverage period has ended. This can be useful for customers who want to continue to protect their property against termites.

It's important to read the fine print and understand the exact details of the warranty offered by the termite company and to have a clear understanding of what is covered and what is not. Also, it's a good idea to ask the company to provide the warranty in writing, to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings in the future.

Fumigation v Localized Treatment?

Fumigation and localized treatments are both methods used to control termite infestations. Fumigation is a method of exterminating pests by filling a structure with a gas that is toxic to the pests. This method is typically used to treat an entire structure, such as a house or a commercial building, and is effective at eliminating most types of termites. Localized treatments, on the other hand, involve treating specific areas of a structure where termites have been found. This method is typically used to target specific colonies of termites and is less disruptive than fumigation. It may not be effective in case of severe infestations or if the colony of termites is not known.

It's best to consult with a professional exterminator to determine which method is best for your specific situation.

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